
The trend observed in the Russian Federation in recent years, according to the Federal Service for Labor and Employment, towards an increase in cases of sudden death in the workplace from general diseases, makes it necessary to study the frequency of cases of sudden death in the workplace from general diseases at enterprises of various types of economic activity. In this regard, we have analyzed the materials of the investigation of accidents of sudden death from common diseases, recognized during the investigation as not related to production. It is established that in 2014–2018 the number of deaths was 268 people. The highest rate of sudden death in both men and women, it is observed in the age range of 56–60 years. It was revealed that the main causes of sudden death of employees were diseases of the circulatory system, which accounted for 91.4% of cases. The above justifies the need to develop a set of measures to reduce the risk of death from common diseases in the workplace.

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