
Traditionally, all types of fear were viewed as belonging to the same category and were classified solely on the basis of a continuum of severity (Agras et al., 1969; Costello, 1982; Rachman, 1990, p. 70). However, research and clinical evidence suggests the existence of two distinct types of fears, simple (e.g., animal phobias) and bizarre (e.g., agoraphobia). Simple fears are characteristic of both humans and animals, can be defined as a fear toward specific stimuli, and cannot be diagnosed as bizarre by PBT’s five criteria of bizarreness. Among humans, simple fear has the following characteristics: 1) In most cases the fear developes following an environmental noxious event (e.g., dog bite), or by indirect exposure to such an event through observational (e.g., witnessing a dog bite) or informational (e.g., dogs are dangerous) learning (e.g., Di Nardo et aI., 1988; McNally & Steketee, 1985; Ollendick & King, 1991; Rachman, 1990, p. 168).1 2) The subject is nearly always aware of the underlying causes of the fear when questioned immediately or shortly after onset. 3) In some cases, at a very early age, the fear develops in the absence of a noxious environmental event, when the subject encounters the frightening stimulus for the first time (e.g., spider phobia; Jones & Menzies, 1995). 4) The fear is triggered by a specific stimulus (e.g., snakes), which causes the most intense arousal, and related stimuli of similar features (e.g., picture of a snake), which induces less arousal. 5) Usually the fear minimally preoccupies the attention, arousal is limited to the exposure period, and it has little impact on one’s daily functioning. 6) Simple fear is relatively common (e.g., fear of snakes which has a high prevalence of25-39%; Agras et aI., 1969; Fredrikson et aI., 1996,1997). 7) In most cases the fear develops during childhood (e.g., Fredrikson et aI., 1996; Graham & Gaffan, 1997; Lautch, 1971; Menzies & Clarke, 1993a, 1993b; Milgrom et aI., 1995).

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