
The advent of efficient numerical algorithms for the construction of one-loop amplitudes has played a crucial role in the automation of NLO calculations, and the development of similar algorithms at two loops is a natural strategy for NNLO automation. Within a numerical framework the numerator of loop integrals is usually constructed in four dimensions, and the missing rational terms, which arise from the interplay of the (D − 4)-dimensional parts of the loop numerator with 1/(D − 4) poles in D dimensions, are reconstructed separately. At one loop, such rational terms arise only from UV divergences and can be restored through process-independent local counterterms. In this paper we investigate the behaviour of rational terms of UV origin at two loops. The main result is a general formula that combines the subtraction of UV poles with the reconstruction of the associated rational parts at two loops. This formula has the same structure as the R-operation, and all poles and rational parts are described through a finite set of process-independent local counterterms. We also present a general formula for the calculation of all relevant two-loop rational counterterms in any renormalisable theory based on one-scale tadpole integrals. As a first application, we derive the full set of two-loop rational counterterms for QED in the Rξ -gauge.


  • Contributions stemming from the interplay of 1/ε poles with the (D − 4)-dimensional parts of loop integrands

  • When the loop numerator is restricted to four dimensions, the contributions associated with its (D − 4)-dimensional counterpart, referred to as N, need to be reconstructed with a different technique

  • In order to open the door to the usage of two-loop numerical algorithms in Dn = 4 numerator dimensions, in this paper we have presented a general analysis of rational N -contributions at two loops

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Notation for D-dimensional quantities

For the regularisation of UV divergences in this paper we use the ’t Hooft-Veltman scheme [1], where external states are four-dimensional, while loop momenta as well as the metric tensors and Dirac matrices inside the loops live in. In Dn = D dimensions, all relevant ingredients of loop numerators will be decomposed into four-dimensional parts and (D − 4)-dimensional remnants. Contractions of Lorentz vectors in D dimensions are decomposed as. For the integration measure in loop-momentum space we use the shorthand dq = μ2ε dDq (2π)D. where μ is the scale of dimensional regularisation and will be identified with the renormalisation scale. (2.4) will be typically written as qμ = qμ + qμ This leads to contractions of objects that carry different kinds of indices and have to be understood as follows, AμBμ = AμBμ , AμBμ = 0.

Reducible and irreducible loop amplitudes
Rational parts of one-loop diagrams
Tadpole decomposition
One-loop poles and rational parts in terms of tadpole integrals
One-loop diagrams with D-dimensional external momenta
Rational terms at two loops
Notation for two-loop diagrams and subdiagrams
Power counting and structure of UV divergences
Structure of UV poles at two loops
Structure of rational parts at two loops
Proof and recipe for the calculation of rational terms
Two-loop rational terms in QED
Summary and conclusions
A Feynman rules and UV counterterms in QED
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