
The article discusses how the culture of food, its rationality and quality affects the health of Russians. The dietary style of Russians is analyzed on the basis of the latest statistical data and literature analysis. It is concluded that despite some positive developments in this area, the quality of nutrition of Russian residents is far from ideal. The author of the article seeks to understand how population understands the concept of healthy nutrition, whether the understanding of this phenomenon differs depending on socio-demographic characteristics. Particular attention is paid to gender differences regarding nutrition and the consequences of these differences. Article focuses on the obstacles that Russians face on the way to improving their diet. One of such obstacles is economic difficulties and the inability to buy healthy foods due to their high cost, especially in large families and single-parent families, whose food quality is lower for a number of socio-economic reasons. An equally important factor limiting the possibilities of Russians in the field of nutrition is the lack of awareness and education of the majority of the population regarding healthy lifestyle in general and nutrition in particular.The empirical basis of the work is comprised of the data of the World Health Organization (WHO), the Federal State Statistics Service, the Public Opinion Foundation and the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center.

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