
The reduction in the ratio $\frac{\ensuremath{\sigma}({\ensuremath{\pi}}^{+}, {\ensuremath{\pi}}^{+}p)}{\ensuremath{\sigma}({\ensuremath{\pi}}^{+}, {\ensuremath{\pi}}^{0}p)}$ on light nuclei from the free $\ensuremath{\pi}N\ensuremath{\rightarrow}\ensuremath{\pi}N$ ratio value can be understood in a semiclassical model as an effect due to pion charge exchange before or after the hard $\ensuremath{\pi}N$ knockout collision.NUCLEAR REACTIONS $\ensuremath{\sigma}(\ensuremath{\pi}, \ensuremath{\pi}N)$ ratios, light $N=Z$ nuclei; nucleon and pion charge exchange.

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