
The purpose of the RatDNA database is the development of experimental technological methods for basic molecular-biological studies of human age-related diseases in laboratory animals (rats) using microarray tests of gene expression. Despite the obvious correlation between life expectancy and heredity and numerous biomedical studies on aging, little is known about the genetic factors that determine premature aging. People do not die of “healthy” aging: at any age, conditions the probability of which increases with age become the cause of their death. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) becomes the main cause of vision problems and sight loss in subjects over 50 years old. The structural and functional changes in the retina characteristic of aging are similar to those observed at early stages of AMD. Although these changes underlie the pathogenesis of this disease, they do not necessarily lead to its development. The RatDNA database contains information on the genes associated with age-related diseases (AMD in particular) and experimental data on their expression in tissues of a model rat strain. The database is available at http://pixie.bionet.nsc.ru/ratdna/rat/index.php.

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