
Automotive accidents leads to not only mortality of people but also causes financial cost to both people and society. This special issue is focused on reviewing history and background of automotive system by presenting recent developments. This paper aims at giving an overview of implementing safety and security system in car for today and future development. The key enabling technology for active safety system includes drowsiness detection and Anti pinch window’s effect. Other proposed concepts to be implemented are seat belt detection and alcohol detection. Driver’s drowsiness is monitored using technique called image processing and it is processed through MATLAB but the main constraint in this technique is that processing speed on hardware. The idea proposed in this paper is that Open CV library is used for real time facial images analysis to warn the drowsiness of driver in order to prevent traffic accidents. Anti-pinch window system helps to avoid injuries because of power window. Seat belt alert system gives an audio output to wear seat belts for safety. Finally Alcohol detection detects a drunken driver and it will send a message to the nearby police station along with the details of the vehicle and its position. The proposed system does all the above features with the help of a Raspberry-Pi, camera and few sensors in its hard ware part along with coding computations through python which has the advantage of continuous monitoring at minimal cost thereby preventing accidental injuries to a great extent.

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