
Rash can be one of the symptoms in acute infectious mononucleosis. According to the classical literature sources, drug-induced rash can be associated with synthetic penicillin and Epstein-Barr virus itself Nowadays, a lot of case reports point to the development of rash after the administration of other groups of antimicrobials. Clinical and laboratory signs and the administration of antimicrobials in acute Epstein-Barr virus infection have been correlaed with the development of rash. This retrospective-prospective study (2007-2010) included 243 patients hospitalized for acute infectious mononucleosis at the Department for Infectious Diseases, Clinical Center of Vojvodina, of whom 51 had rash and 192 were without it. Epstein-Barr virus infection was confirmed by ELISA IgM EBV VCA in all patients. Student's t-test did not show a significant difference between the age, gender, duration of symptoms, leucocytes count, absolute lymphocytes count, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase among patients with or without rash. Chi2 test did not show a significant difference among the patients treated by synthetic or pure penicillin, macrolids and 1st and 2nd generation cephalosporins. However, if we compare all these antimicrobials, there is a significant difference between them and 3rd generation cephalosporins. Only two patients developed rash without antimicrobials. According to our results, rash developed independently of the clinical course of disease. Previous conclusion that synthetic penicillin produces rash seems to be not true, because there are many patients who were treated with them but did not develop rash. All antimicrobials can be associated with rash, but 3rd generation cephalosporins seem to produce rash less frequently than the others.


  • Pojedinačna komparacija upotrebljenih antibiotika pokazala je da nema statistički značajne razlike u pojavi ospe kod pacijenata koji su lečeni sintetskim penicilinima, prirodnim penicilinima, makrolidima, cefalosporinima I i II generacije i ostalim antimikrobnim lekovima, dok se ospa statistički značajno manje javlja kod bolesnika lečenih cefalosporinima III generacije

  • Ovo istraživanje je pokazalo da se ospa nešto ređe javlja na cefalosporine III generacije u odnosu na ostale grupe antibiotika, dok među penicilinima, makrolidima i cefalosporinima I i II generacije i ostalim antibioticima nije bilo statistički značajne razlike u učestalosti pojave ospe

  • All antimicrobials can be associated with rash, but 3rd generation cephalosporins seem to produce rash less frequently than the others

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Stručni članak Professional article

Dajana LENDAK1, Dunja MIHAJLOVIĆ2, Vesna TURKULOV1, Sandra STEFAN MIKIĆ1 i Slavica TOMIĆ1. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 243 pacijenta sa akutnom infektivnom mononukleozom, 51 sa ospom, 192 bez ospe, hospitalizovanih na Klinici za infektivne bolesti, Kliničkog centra Vojvodine (2007−2010). U grupi bolesnika sa ospom bilo je 28 osoba muškog i 23 ženskog pola, a u grupi bez ospe odnos muškarci : žene bio je 89:103 pri čemu razlika nije statistički značajna (χ2=1,18 p>0,05). Pacijenti su se javljali u bolnicu prosečno desetog dana bolesti (X =9,51; SD=6,15), pri čemu nije postojala statistički značajna razlika u grupi pacijenata sa ospom i bez nje (t-test=1,18 p>0,05). Χ2 test pokazao je da postoji statistički značajna razlika u strukturi korišćenih antibiotika u grupi pacijenata kod kojih je došlo do pojave ospe u odnosu na grupu pacijenata kod kojih se ospa nije javila (χ2 = 20,78 p

Bez ospe Ukupno Without rash Total
Makrolidi Macrolids
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