
Ras-related guanosine triphosphate (GTP)-binding nuclear protein (Ran) GTPases function as molecular switches and regulate diverse cellular events in eukaryotes. Our previous work suggested that DlRan3B is active during longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) somatic embryogenesis (SE) processes. Herein, subcellular localization of DlRan3B was found to be localized in the nucleus and expression profiling of DlRan3B was performed during longan SE and after exposure to plant hormones (indoleacetic acid (IAA), gibberellin A3 (GA3), salicylic acid (SA), methyl jasmonte (MeJA), and abscisic acid (ABA)). We cloned and sequenced 1569 bp of 5′-flanking sequence of DlRan3B (GenBank: JQ279697). Bioinformatic analysis indicated that the promoter contained plant hormone-related regulatory elements. Deletion analysis and responses to hormones identified stimulative and repressive regulatory elements in the DlRan3B promoter. The key elements included those responding to auxin, gibberellin, SA, MeJA, and ABA. DlRan3B was located in the nucleus and accumulated in the late stage of longan SE. The expression of DlRan3B was significantly induced by IAA, GA3, and ABA, but suppressed by SA and MeJA. Promoter transcription was induced by IAA and GA3, but suppressed by SA. Thus, DlRan3B might participate in auxin, gibberellin, and ABA responses during longan late SE, and DlRan3B is involved in phytohormone responsiveness.


  • Ran GTPases regulate a multiple series of cell activities by functioning as molecular switches in animals [1,2,3]

  • The result of the subcellular localization assay revealed that DlRan3B was exclusively located in

  • The result of the subcellular localization assay revealed that DlRan3B was exclusively located in the nucleus (Figure 1 and Figure S1), slightly different from DlRan3A, another member in the longan Ran family, which was primarily located in the nucleus, with some in the cytoplasm [6]

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Ran GTPases regulate a multiple series of cell activities by functioning as molecular switches in animals [1,2,3]. Ran GTPases are involved in various responses, including mediating hormone sensitivities [4,5,6]. The mutations in some Ran GTPase homologs can lead to male sterility [9]. These results have led to a conclusion that Ran is essential for plant development and serve as clues to the potential function of Ran in hormone signaling transduction in plants. Characterization of plant Ran, especially its involvement in plant embryogenesis and hormone transduction, remains poorly reported. Icnht.aJr.aMcotle.rSiczi.a2t0io16n, 1o7,f87p3lant Ran, especially its involvement in plant embryogenesis and horm oofn1e3 transduction, remains poorly reported. TToo ffuurrtthheerrrerevveeaal lththeebiboiloolgoigciaclarlorloeloefoDflDRalRn3aBn3, Bit,s iptsropterointesiunbscuelblcuelallrulloacraltoiocnatwioanswobasseorvbesderavnedd iatnsdexiptsreessxipornespsrioofinlepwroafsileanwalayszeadnadluyrziendg ldounrginang SloEnpgraonceSssEesparnodceussnedserantrdeautmndenertstoref aetxmogenentsouosf pexlaongtehnoorums opnlaen, tinhcolurmdionngei,nidnoclleuadcientgic iancdidol(eIaAceAti)c, gaicbibder(IeAlliAn),Ag3ib(GbeAr3e)l,lisnalAic3yl(iGc Aac3i)d, s(SalAic)y, lmiceathciydl j(aSsAm)o, nmteet(hMyleJjAas)m, aonndteab(MsceisJiAc )a,caidnd(AaBbAsc)i.sFicuartchider(mAoBrAe,)t.oFuunrtdheerrsmtaonrde,thtoe urengduelrasttoarnydrotlheeorfeDgulRlaatno3rBy, irtosle oflfaDnklRinagn3sBeq, uitesn5c′e fwlaanskiisnoglasteeqduaenndcechwaarascitseorliazteeddtoaniddenchtiafyraactnereifzfiecdietnot pidroenmtioftyeratnhaetffciociuelndt ipnriotimatoetetrhethcaotnsctoiutuldtivienietixapteresthsieoncoonfstaitfuotrieviegnexgperneessiinontroanf sagefnoirceipglnangtes.neFuinrthtrearnmsgoeren,icdeplleatniotsn. aFnuarltyhseirsmanodred, idffeeleretinotntraannaslcyrsipistiaonndaldaicftfievrietnietstirnanresscpriopntsioentoalpahcytitvoihtioersminonreesspshonowseetdotphhatytthoehoDrlmRaonn3eBs pshroomwoedterthhaats tphoesiDtivlReaann3dB npergoamtiovteerrehgauslaptoorsyitievleemaenndtsn. eTghaitsivseturdeyguplraotvoirdyeselaemmeunlttsif.aTcehtiesdsvtuiedwy opfrothveidpesotaenmtiaulltriofalecsetoefdDvlRieawn3oBf dtuherinpgotleonntgiaalnrsoolmesaotifc DemlRbarny3oBfodrumriantgionloanngdaninsopmhyattoichoermmbornyoe sfoigrnmaalitniognpaanthdwinaypsh.ytohormone signaling pathways

Subcellular Localization of DlRan3B
Deletion Analysis of the DlRan3B Promoter
Responsiveness of the DlRan3B Promoter to Hormone Treatments
The Potential Role of DlRan3B
Plant Materials and Nucleic Acid Extraction
Subcellular Localization
Phytohormone Treatments on Longan EC Samples
Isolation of DlRan3B Promoter and Bioinformatic Analysis
Phytohormone Treatments of Tobacco Leaves
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