
Existing video anomaly detection methods and datasets suffer from restricted anomaly categories containing single-source (CCTV) videos recorded in controlled environment, inadequate annotations, and lack of adequate supervision. To mitigate these problems, we introduce a new dataset (RareAnom) containing 17 rare types of real-world anomalies (2200 videos) recorded using multiple sources (e.g., CCTV, handheld cameras, dash-cams, and mobile phones) with rich temporal annotations. A new fully unsupervised anomaly detection and classification method has been proposed. It has three stages: training of a 3D Convolution Autoencoder using pseudo-labelled video segments, anomaly detection using latent features, and classification. Unlike the existing datasets, we have benchmarked RareAnom using three levels of supervision: fully, weakly, and unsupervised. It has been compared with UCF-Crime and XD-Violence datasets. The proposed anomaly detection and classification method beats the latest unsupervised methods by 4.49%, 8.66%, and 6.77% on RareAnom, UCF-Crime, and XD-violence datasets, respectively.

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