
The purpose of this review is to inform readers of recent discussions and findings regarding the underlying aetiology and clinical management of rare ectopic pregnancies. Risk factors, early diagnosis, treatment and results of rare ectopic pregnancies are discussed. New surgical/medical modalities and methods that facilitate early diagnosis are shared. With the widespread use of ultrasonography and hcg assays, the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy is increasing. At the same time, the increase in risk factors (IVF, previous surgeries, pelvic infections) also increases the rare diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. Accordingly, the probability of detecting rare types increases. There is no clear consensus for the treatment of rare types, but early diagnosis is important to prevent maternal morbidity and mortality, and allows fertility to be preserved in cases in the reproductive age. In conclusion, when ectopic pregnancy is suspected, as well as diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy, non-tubal and other rare types should be considered when no tubal ectopic is detected. Past medical and surgical treatments of the patient should be thoroughly questioned to determine risk factors.

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