
The collection of mammals in the Museum of Zoology, University of Utah, contains representatives of two rare species of shrews of the genus Sorex . These specimens were obtained from Utah and Wyoming during 1952–1954. Because of their rarity, and inasmuch as their localities of capture extend the known areas of occurrence, we considered it worthwhile to report upon them. This research was financed in part by a grant from the National Science Foundation. Sorex merriami leucogenys Osgood.—Osgood (Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 22: 52, April 17, 1909), on the basis of a single specimen, named this subspecies as Sorex leucogenys . The type locality is “Mouth of the canyon of Beaver River, about 3 miles east of Beaver, Beaver County, Utah.” Despite intensive collecting, no additional specimens were reported for 26 years, when Benson (Univ. California Pubis. Zool., 40: 439–455, December 31, 1935), reported upon five specimens from War God Spring, Navajo Mountain, San Juan County, Utah. Since 1935, although …

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