
Two rare complication of infection with the Epstein-Barr virus is the development of hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis and opsoclonus myoclonus syndrome. Here we are describing two cases which are describing these complications of Epstein-Barr virus infection. As they mimic several other condition but a strong suspicion is needed to diagnose these rare complications early as it will help us to reduce morbidity and mortality of these complications.J Nepal Paediatr Soc 2015;35(3):290-292


  • Epstein Barr virus (EBV) has a variety of clinical presenta ons that range from an asymptoma c carrier state to a fatal overwhelming infec on

  • An infrequent complica on of EBV infec on is the development of Hemophagocy c Lymphohis ocytosis (HLH) and opsoclonus myoclonus syndrome (OMS)

  • More than 70% of pa ents with familial HLH develop the disease at

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Epstein Barr virus (EBV) has a variety of clinical presenta ons that range from an asymptoma c carrier state to a fatal overwhelming infec on. Oral prednisolone has started at the dose of 2mg/kg/day from day 4 of admission along with intravenous an bio cs Her general condi on and other clinical features has improved and all abnormal laboratory features became normal. On admission pa ent GCS was 9/15, febrile (101° F), having tachycardia but otherwise vitals stable He had maculopapular skin rash present all over the body but predominant on trunk. When asked to look at a target, his visual fixa on was disrupted by bursts of high-frequency, conjugate ocular oscilla ons that had horizontal, ver cal, and torsional components, sugges ve of opsoclonus He had sudden brief involuntary jerky movements of his limbs, trunk, and head, sugges ve of myoclonus. At 1-month follow-up the pa ent was asymptoma c

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