
Ten rare and imperfectly known species of Angiosperms collected from Agastyamalai Hills and surrounding regions in Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu, South India, are reported in this paper. Apama barberi Gamble, Discorea wightii Hk. f. and Piper barberi Gamble were rediscovered after a lapse of several years, and detailed/amended descriptions of them are appended. Eugenia mabaeoides Wt. forms a new record for India. Glycosmis macrocarpa Wt. and Piper trioicum Roxb, are re-established. Paragrewia poilanei Gagnep. ex Rao (Tiliaceae) is proved to be conspecific with Leptonychia moacurroides Bedd. (Sterculiaceae). Aeschynanthus planiculmis (Clarke) Gamble is synonymous to A. perrottetii A. DC. Sarcandra grandifoolia (Miq.) Subr. & Henry, comb. nov. and Tabernaemontana gamblei Subr. & Henry, nom. nw. are proposed.

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