
Authigenic carbonates forming at an active methane-seep on the Makran accretionary prism mainly consist of aragonite in the form of microcrystalline, cryptocrystalline, and botryoidal phases. The δ13Ccarbonate values are very negative (− 49.0 to − 44.0‰ V-PDB), agreeing with microbial methane as dominant carbon source. The δ18Ocarbonate values are exclusively positive (+ 3.0 to + 4.5‰ V-PDB) and indicate precipitation in equilibrium with seawater at bottom water temperatures. The content of rare earth elements and yttrium (REE + Y) determined by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) and solution ICP-MS varies for each aragonite variety, with early microcrystalline aragonite yielding the highest, cryptocrystalline aragonite intermediate, and later botryoidal aragonite the lowest REE + Y concentrations. Shale-normalised REE + Y patterns of different types of authigenic carbonate reflect distinct pore fluid compositions during precipitation: Microcrystalline aragonite shows high contents of middle rare earth elements (MREE), reflecting REE patterns ascribed to anoxic pore water. Cryptocrystalline aragonite exhibits a seawater-like REE + Y pattern at elevated total REE + Y concentrations, indicating higher concentrations of REEs in pore waters, which were influenced by seawater. Botryoidal aragonite is characterised by seawater-like REE + Y patterns at initial growth stages followed by an increase of light rare earth elements (LREE) with advancing crystal growth, reflecting changing pore fluid composition during precipitation of this cement. Conventional sample preparation involving micro-drilling of carbonate phases and subsequent solution ICP-MS does not allow to recognise such subtle changes in the REE + Y composition of individual carbonate phases. To be able to reconstruct the evolution of pore water composition during early diagenesis, an analytical approach is required that allows to track the changing elemental composition in a paragenetic sequence as well as in individual phases. High-resolution analysis of seep carbonates from the Makran accretionary prism by LA-ICP-MS reveals that pore fluid composition not only evolved in the course of the formation of different phases, but also changed during the precipitation of individual phases.

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