
Abstract Germinomas comprise approximately 2–5% of all CNS malignancies, and have a favourable prognosis. Bad outcomes are relatively rare. Synchronous lesions occurs in 5–10% of cases. We report a case of 28 years old male, presented with motor aphasia, visual impairment and dysphagia. In period of last 15 months patient underwent 3 surgical interventions due to occlusive hydrocephalus. MRI revealed volume formations of the pineal and sellar regions. Taking into account the severity of the patient’s condition, consilium decided to refrain from surgical intervention and adjuvant therapy. Patient was transferred to the palliative unit. He died after 3 months. According to the results of the autopsy, the histological changes in tumors of the pineal and infundibular regions, corresponds to the germinoma. Due to the lack of information about patient’s treatment, carried out until hospitalization in our center, we don’t undertake to judge whether there was diagnostic omission, or incorrect treatment in this clinical case. But in our opinion, in case of suspected CNS germinoma, it is necessary to conduct more “aggressive treatment” (Tumor biopsy, followed by radiotherapy and chemotherapy). Symptomatic treatment should be used in cases, where the treatment of main disease is impossible. We hope that this sad clinical case will help Neurosurgeons in making decisions in a difficult situation.

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