
We study a rotating Bose-Einstein condensate in a strongly anharmonic trap (flat trap with a finite radius) in the framework of two-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii theory. We write the coupling constant for the interactions between the gas atoms as 1∕ε2 and we are interested in the limit ε→0 (Thomas-Fermi limit) with the angular velocity Ω depending on ε. We derive rigorously the leading asymptotics of the ground state energy and the density profile when Ω tends to infinity as a power of 1∕ε. If Ω(ε)=Ω0∕ε a “hole” (i.e., a region where the density becomes exponentially small as 1∕ε→∞) develops for Ω0 above a certain critical value. If Ω(ε)⪢1∕ε the hole essentially exhausts the container and a “giant vortex” develops with the density concentrated in a thin layer at the boundary. While we do not analyze the detailed vortex structure we prove that rotational symmetry is broken in the ground state for const∣logε∣<Ω(ε)≲const∕ε.

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