
Meigs syndrome is a classic triad of ascites, pleural effusions, and an ovarian fibroma with resolution following excision. Pseudo-Meigs syndrome presents similarly but is caused by a pelvic mass other than an ovarian fibroma, such as a fibroid. We present a case report of a 33-year-old gravida 2 para 0-0-1-0 woman with a massive, pedunculated fibroid who developed rapid onset of ascites and edema beginning at 5 weeks of gestation. Malignant, cardiac, renal, hepatic, and rheumatologic causes were ruled out. Her symptoms resolved following myomectomy and delivery via cesarean. Pseudo-Meigs syndrome was suspected. Pseudo-Meigs syndrome is a diagnosis of exclusion and requires surgical management for resolution. Pregnancy may be an inciting factor. Myomectomy may be done safely at the time of cesarean.

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