
While utilizing high resolution satellite image for land use classification has been popularized, object-oriented classification has been adapted as an affordable classification method rather than conventional statistical classification. The aim of this study is to extract the paddy field area using object-oriented classification with time series NDVI from high-resolution satellite images, and the RapidEye satellite images of Jaeryung-gun in North Korea were used. For the implementation of object-oriented classification, creating objects by setting of scale and color factors was conducted, then 3 different land use categories including paddy field, forest and water bodies were extracted from the objects applying the variation of time-series NDVI. The unclassified objects which were not involved into the previous extraction classified into 6 categories using unsupervised classification by clustering analysis. Finally, the unsuitable paddy field area were assorted from the topographic factors such as elevation and slope. As the results, about 33.6 % of the total area (32313.1 ha) were classified to the paddy field (10847.9 ha) and 851.0 ha was classified to the unsuitable paddy field based on the topographic factors. The user accuracy of paddy field classification was calculated to 83.3 %, and among those, about 60.0 % of total paddy fields were classified from the time-series NDVI before the unsupervised classification. Other land covers were classified as to upland(5255.2 ha), forest (10961.0 ha), residential area and bare land (3309.6 ha), and lake and river (1784.4 ha) from this object-oriented classification.

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