
A traffic assignment model is a critical tool for developing future transport systems, road policies, and evaluating future network upgrades. However, the development of the network and demand data is often highly intensive, which limits the number of cases where some form of the models are available on a global basis. These problems include licensing restrictions, bureaucracy, privacy, data availability, data quality, costs, transparency, and transferability. This paper introduces Rapidex, a novel origin–destination (OD) demand estimation and visualisation tool. Firstly, Rapidex enables the user to download and visualise road networks for any city using a capacity-based modification of OpenStreetMap. Secondly, the tool creates traffic analysis zones and centroids, as per the user-specified inputs. Next, it enables the fetching of travel time data from pervasive traffic data providers, such as TomTom and Google. With Rapidex, we tailor the genetic-algorithm (GA)-based metaheuristic approach to derive the OD demand pattern. The tool produces critical outputs such as link volumes, link travel times, OD travel times, average trip length and duration, and congestion level, which can also be used for validation. Finally, Rapidex enables the user to perform scenario evaluation, where changes to the network and/or demand data can be made and the subsequent impacts on performance metrics can be identified. In this article, we demonstrate the applicability of Rapidex on the network of Sydney, which has 15,646 directional links, 8708 nodes, and 178 zones. Further, the model was validated using the Household Travel Survey data of Sydney using the aggregated metrics and a novel project selection method. We observed that 88% of the time, the “estimated” and “observed” OD matrices identified the same project (i.e., the rapid process estimated the more intensive traditional approach in 88% of cases). This tool would help practitioners in rapid decision making for strategic long-term planning. Further, the tool would provide an opportunity for developing countries to better manage traffic congestion, as cities in these countries are prone to severe congestion and rapid urbanisation while often lacking the traditional models entirely.


  • The tool would provide an opportunity for developing countries to better manage traffic congestion, as cities in these countries are prone to severe congestion and rapid urbanisation [19]

  • We demonstrate the application of Rapidex on the network of Sydney, Australia

  • We defined a large input total demand range (100,000 to 2,000,000) so that the total demand estimated by Rapidex is always within these bounds

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The traffic assignment models consist of two critical inputs, i.e., demand (travel analysis zones and the travel patterns) and supply (road network data, traffic signals, etc.) These models can realistically capture the performance of a transportation network by “predicting” the travel routes of forecasted trips and help in planning, designing, and operating transportation systems efficiently and sustainably. They can compare the demand patterns in one city with another They can analyse the impacts of network changes, e.g., adding or removing lanes, changing speed limits, adding or closing new roads, etc., on critical metrics such as trip length, travel times, and congestion. The case study of Sydney is presented, followed by concluding remarks

Literature Review
Review of Methods for OD Demand Estimation
Loop Detector Data
Bluetooth Data
Other Sources
Pervasive Data
Road Network Extraction and Zoning
Travel Time Extraction
Bilevel Optimisation Approach
Solution Approach
Method Name
Scenario Testing
Validation Using the GEH Statistic
Validation Using Aggregated Metrics
Validation Using the Project Selection Method
Conclusions and Future Directions
Full Text
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