
1. 1. The rate at which tritiated water moves from the medium into the hemolymph of the euryhaline crab Carcinus maenas decreases after the crab is transferred to dilute medium; this adaptive decrease in water permeability occurs also in crabs from which the eyestalks have been ablated. The results show that the rapid change in permeability is not based directly or indirectly on the secretion of a hormonal factor from the neuroendocrine complex of the eyestalk. 2. 2. Extracts of thoracic ganglion of Carcinus, perfused internally through isolated gills, decrease the influx of tritiated water across the lamellae. 3. 3. Extracts of neurohemal tissues of the sinus gland and pericardial organs have no effect on the water permeability of isolated gills, nor has an active factor been demonstrated in the hemolymph of crabs exposed to dilute medium.

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