
With a view to set up a fast method for assessing the changes brought into a starchy matrix by the main processing aids (enzymes, hydrocolloids, and emulsifiers) used in bakery products, a new device was tested. The Rapid Force Analyzer included a fast-heating step of 90 s at a constant temperature of 100 °C and the force variations were recorded during the entire assay. When wheat starch was combined with three different amylases from fungi and bacteria, the force vs time plots showed a marked force reduction, less noticeable for in the case of maltogenic amylase. The decrease of the force was directly related with the enzyme concentration. Same tendency was observed when xanthan and Arabic gums were incorporated in the slurry. No significant alteration in terms of force were reported following the HPMC addition, while gel obtained with guar gum presented higher peak force. The emulsifiers interaction with starch led to a hot paste with lower force, although the effect was dependent on the type and level of emulsifier. The Rapid Force Analyzer may represent a quick and accurate alternative for the performance assessment of the starchy matrices treated with the process aids used by the bakery industry.

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