
AbstractEstablishing reliable streamflow time series is essential for hydrological studies and water‐related decisions, but it can be both time‐consuming and costly since streamflow is typically calculated from water level using rating curves based on numerous calibration measurements (gaugings). It can take many years of gauging data collection to estimate reliable rating curves, and even then extreme‐flow estimates often still depend on rating curve extrapolation. Hydraulically modeled rating curves are a promising alternative to traditional methods as they can be rapidly derived with few concurrent stage‐discharge gaugings. We introduce a novel framework for Rating curve Uncertainty estimation using Hydraulic Modelling (RUHM), based on Bayesian inference and physically based hydraulic modeling for estimating stage‐discharge rating curves and their associated uncertainty. The framework incorporates information from the river shape, hydraulic configuration, and the control gaugings as well as uncertainties in the gaugings and model parameters. We explored the interaction of uncertainty sources within RUHM by (1) assessing its performance at two Swedish stations, (2) investigating the sensitivity of the results to the number and magnitude of the calibration gaugings, and (3) evaluating the importance of prior information on the model parameters. We found that rating curves with constrained uncertainty could be estimated using only three gaugings for either low or low and medium flows that have a high probability of occurrence, thereby enabling rapid rating curve estimation. Prior information about the water‐surface slope‐stage relation, obtainable from site surveys, was needed to adequately constrain uncertainty estimates.

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