
The sodium conductance of the membrane of the giant axon of squid was isolated by the use of potassium-free solutions and voltage-clamped with pulses containing three levels of depolarization. The conductance appears to undergo rapid changes during certain repolarizing clamp steps whose voltage reach at least partially overlaps the gating range. The percentage change in conductance increases with time of depolarization from approximately 0 to approximately 25-30% at 7 ms for a potential step from +70 to -30 mV. Conductance steps were also observed for voltage steps from various depolarized levels to -70 mV. All observed shifts were in the direction of a decreased conductance. The conductance steps appear to be a weak function of the concentration of external calcium, which also acts as a voltage-dependent channel blocker for inwardly directed sodium currents. A number of possible mechanisms are suggested. One of these is discussed in some detail and postulates a voltage- and time-dependent molecular process that does not itself yield open or closed channel conformations, but that affects the magnitude of the rate constants that do connect open and closed state conformations.

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