
A rigid insulated die slides at a constant sub-critical speed on a transversely isotropic half-space in the presence of friction. In a two-dimensional analysis of the dynamic steady-state, the coupled equations of thermoelasticity are invoked. All elements of the Coulomb friction model are strictly enforced, thus giving rise to auxiliary conditions, including two unilateral constraints. Robust asymptotic forms of an exact solution to a related problem with unmixed boundary conditions lead to analytical solutions for the sliding indentation problem. The solution expressions, abetted by calculations for zinc, show the role of frictional heating on the half-space surface. The effects of friction and sliding speed on contact zone size and location and average contact zone temperature are also studied. The analysis is aided by factoring procedures that simplify the complicated forms that arise in anisotropic elasticity. A scheme that renders expressions for roots of certain irrational functions analytic to within a single quadrature also plays a role.

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