
Given an undirected graph representing a network of processors, and a source node containing a message that must be broadcast to all the nodes, find a scheme that accomplishes the broadcast in the minimum number of time steps. At each time step, any processor that has received the message is allowed to communicate the message to at most one of its neighbors in the network, i.e. can communicate via a telephone call to a neighbor. This has been termed the minimum broadcast time problem under the telephone model and is known to be NP-complete. The minimum broadcast time in a graph is closely related to the poise of the graph. The poise of a tree is defined to be the quantity (maximum degree of any node in the tree+diameter of the tree). The poise of a graph is the minimum poise of any of its spanning trees. Computing the poise of a graph is shown to be NP-hard and an algorithm for computing a spanning tree of approximately minimum poise is derived. This algorithm is then used to derive an O(log/sup 2/n/log log n)-approximation for the minimum broadcast time problem on an n-node graph. Our algorithm extends to many generalizations of the problem such as the multicast problem, a telephone model allowing conference calls, and to the closely related minimum gossip time problem. >

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