
AbstractThailand has used front‐of‐pack labelling (FoPL) policies to support its public health objectives of improving consumer nutrition to reduce the risk of noncommunicable disease. A rapid literature review explored the current types of FoPL systems in Thailand and how they are understood by consumers. Twelve studies were included, most of which examined the mandatory Guideline Daily Amount (GDA) label. Evidence showed gaps in consumer comprehension of the GDA—consistent with international literature demonstrating the GDA is not as effective at improving identification and choice of healthier foods as interpretive labels. Thai consumers reported somewhat better comprehension when colors or text were added to the GDA. Thai stakeholders should consider supplementing or replacing the GDA with one of the newer FoPL systems shown to be more effective in other countries. More rigorous research is necessary to ensure potential FoPL schemes have intended effects among Thai consumers to inform policy action.

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