
Rapid infusion of intravenous magnesium sulfate (MgSO 4) was given to two young adults with impending respiratory failure caused by status asthmaticus. The infusion of 2 g of MgSO 4 during a 2-minute period was associated with an immediate, dramatic reversal of their severe bronchospasm. This treatment obviated the need for intubation. Continuous β 2-agonist therapy was performed simultaneously, taking advantage of the MgSO 4-induced bronchodilation to deliver the β 2-agonist to the target tissues. Rapid infusion of intravenous MgSO 4 has been documented as safe in standard obstetric literature. Previous reports of MgSO 4 therapy for acute asthma have used slow infusion. This is the first report of rapid infusion of MgSO 4 for the emergency department management of asthma. In both cases, this therapy obviated the need for endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation.

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