
No matter how we call it: additive manufacturing, fast manufacturing, fast prototyping, fabrication in layers or DMF (desktop manufacturing) manufacturing, 3D printing is rapidly developing due to the diversity of applicability areas. In this paper, we would like to introduce the way of realizing a bionic hand that imitates human hand movements with the help of the 3D printer. The actual function that can perform is the movement of the finger segments for closing and opening the fist. The imprint was made using the Creality 3D Direct Store 3D Ender 3 3D Printer Original. As components, we have the handprint, the print of servomotor holder, the Arduino uno board, the breadboard, 5 actuators, male jumpers and fishing thread for ligaments. For programming, the integrated development IDE environment based on the Processing project has been used, which includes support for the C and C ++ programming languages.

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