
Inductive field researchers are all too familiar with the ‘long march’. Slow and steady, researchers dive deep into the field to explore a complex phenomenon in a holistic fashion. In this paper, we call for more rapid, intense routes to knowing. A rapid approach is particularly needed to address disruptions and crises situations such as the Covid-19 pandemic in ‘real time’ or phenomena that may be only fleeting or captured in transient episodes of organizational life. By drawing on an idiographic logic, we offer a rapid field research approach which places an emphasis on a demarcated phenomenon in intense short-term encounters in the field that afford a deeper understanding in ‘real time’. We develop three core principles for rapid field research, namely ‘perceptive researcher’, ‘sensemaking in the field’, and ‘selectivity in telling the story’. We conduct a review of rapid ethnography studies in medical education and health research. Through this synthesis, we characterize the tenets of field research, which have the quality of intensity to support a rapid approach (demarcating the research focus, strategies for data intensity, simultaneous data collection and analysis, rapid writing). Our study considers the implications of valorising a rapid route to knowing for horizontal knowledge accumulation and revisits the requisite skills and professional norms of writing and publishing that may enable this rapid approach.

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