
Abstract NucleicNucleic acid acid aptamersaptamers aarree highhigh affinity,affinity, highhigh selectivityselectivity ligandsligandsproducedproduced iinn vitro vitro bbyy aa processprocess commonlycommonly knownknown as “SELEX”“SELEX”.PrimarilyPrimarily due due ttoo tthhee expirationexpiration ooff majormajor intellectualintellectual propertypropertyrestrictingrestricting their their use,use, tthhee aptameraptamer classclass ooff affinityaffinity reagentsreagents iiss poisedpoised ffoorrconsiderableconsiderable growth growth in aa varietyvariety of diagnosticdiagnostic applicationapplication areasareas [1,22].Specifically,Specifically, tthhee ability ability ttoo cheaplycheaply synthesizesynthesize a wellwell-defineddefined chemicalchemicalreagentreagent represents represents a majormajor advantageadvantage ooff aptamersaptamers overover antibodiesantibodies.WhileWhile tthhee selection selection ooff DNADNA aanndd RNARNA aptamersaptamers has beenbeendescribeddescribed ffoorr some some time,time, tthhee SELEXSELEX processprocess waswas traditionallytraditionallyperformedperformed against against a singlesingle targettarget at a timetime requiringrequiring weeksweeks to monthsmonthsffoorr successfulsuccessful executionexecution.. WWee havehave developeddeveloped a proprietaryproprietary processprocess ffoorrmultiplexingmultiplexing SELEX SELEX ttoo discoverdiscover aptamersaptamers againstagainst multiplemultiple targetstargetssimultaneously,simultaneously, thereby thereby greatlygreatly increasingincreasing tthhee throughputthroughput ooff aptameraptamerdiscoverydiscovery. The The increasedincreased productivity,productivity, however,however, requiresrequires us to addressaddressaptameraptamer validation validation (i.e. KKdd determination)determination) in a highhigh throughputthroughputfashionfashion as well well. IInn contrastcontrast to surfacesurface plasmonplasmon resonance,resonance, biolayerbiolayerinterferometryinterferometry (BLI) (BLI) has nnoo flowflow cellcell oorr microfliuidicmicrofliuidic channelschannelssusceptiblesusceptible ttoo clogging clogging. BLIBLI experimentsexperiments oonn ForteBio’sForteBio’s OctetOctet RedRed9966

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