
Abstract Multiple studies have applied zoned garnet geochronology to place temporal constraints on the rates of metamorphism and deformation during orogenesis. We report new high-resolution isotope dilution–thermal ionization mass spectrometry Sm-Nd isochron ages on concentric growth zones from microstructurally and thermodynamically characterized garnets from the Betic Cordillera, southern Spain. Our ages for the garnet core (13.64 ± 0.31 Ma), mantle (13.41 ± 0.37 Ma), and rim (13.34 ± 0.45 Ma) indicate rapid garnet growth and are consistent with published garnet ages interpreted to reflect high-pressure metamorphism in the region. Thermodynamic analysis indicates garnets grew during subduction at ~1.5–2.0 GPa and 570–600 °C. The core to rim duration of spiral garnet growth was just a few hundred thousand years. While other zoned garnet studies have shown similar rapid growth in subduction zone settings, this is the first documentation of such rapid growth of a spiral garnet. Combining this garnet growth duration with the magnitude of spiral inclusion trail curvature, we compute a strain rate of ~10−13 s−1, an order of magnitude faster than all previous spiral garnet studies. We interpret that these spiral garnets recorded a rapid pulse of deformation and strain during the final stages of subduction and incipient exhumation.

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