
This paper presents a rapid diagnostic device for the detection of the pandemic coronavirus (COVID-19) using a micro-immunosensor cavity resonator. Coronavirus has been declared an international public health crisis, so it is important to design quick diagnostic methods for the detection of infected cases, especially in rural areas, to limit the spread of the virus. Herein, a proof-of-concept is presented for a portable laboratory device for the detection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus using electromagnetic biosensors. This device is a microwave cavity resonator (MCR) composed of a sensor operating at industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) 2.45 GHz inserted in 3D housing. The changes of electrical properties of measured serum samples after passing the sensor surface are presented. The three change parameters of the sensor are resonating frequency value, amplitude and phase of the reflection coefficient |S11|. This immune-sensor offers a portable, rapid and accurate diagnostic method for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which can enable on-site diagnosis of infection. Medical validation for the device is performed through biostatistical analysis using the ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) method. The predictive accuracy of the device is 63.3% and 60.6% for reflection and phase, respectively. The device has advantages of low cost, low size and weight and rapid response. It does need a trained technician to operate it since a software program operates automatically. The device can be used at ports’ quarantine units, hospitals, etc.


  • Wuhan, on 30 December 2019, reported a new strain of the coronavirus family that caused acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), which may result in death

  • An illustration of the detection results depending on the first measured parameter of resonating frequency using Receiver operator characteristic curve (ROC) analysis is shown in Figure 10 and Table 5 using fbefore, fafter and fdifference

  • The illustration of the detection results depending on the second measured parameter of reflection coefficient amplitude at a resonating frequency when using ROC analysis are shown in Figure 10b and Table 6

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On 30 December 2019, reported a new strain of the coronavirus family that caused acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), which may result in death. The need for high speed, sensitivity and accuracy of analytical measurements have led to a high interest in developing many types of sensors as diagnostic tools [11,12]. These sensors use different parameters such as enzymes, cell receptors, antibodies and nucleic acid. ]T.hTehme aminaionbojebcjteivcteivoef tohfisthtiassktawskaws taos atcohaiecvheietvhee tihmemimobmiloizbailtiizoantiofnSoAf RSSA-RCSo-VC-o2Vv-i2ruvsiraunstaibnotdibioesdienstihnetrhige hritgohrtieonrtiaetnitoanti(oAn)(tAo) ytioelydiesltdabstleabalnetaibnotidbioedsimesomunoutendteadt atht ethseusrufarcfaecoefotfhtehemmicircorcohcihpip, k, keepepininggththeeaacctitvivitiytyooff ssppeeccififiiccGGooaattSSAARRSS--CCooVV--22ppoollyycclloonnaallaannttiibbooddiieessaatttthheehhiigghheessttaannddaallloowwiinnggllaayyeerrggrroowwtthh wwhheenntthheeiinnffeecctteeddssaammpplleewwaassiinnjejecctteeddoovveerrtthheessuurrffaaccee,,aasssshhoowwnniinnFFiigguurree44..TThhisispprroocceessss ccaannbbeessuummmmaarrizizeeddaassffoolllolowwss: :TThheeggooldldsslildideewwaassccleleaanneeddfoforr1100ss iinn ffrreesshhllyy pprreeppaarreedd ppiirraannhhaassoolluuttiioonn:: HH22OO22(3(300%%))11ppaarrttaannddssuullffuurriiccaacciidd((HH22SSOO44, ,9966%%))33ppaarrttss..TThheeggooldldsslliiddee wwaasseexxtteennssiivveellyywwaasshheeddwwiitthhddeeiioonniizzeeddwwaatteerr((SSiiggmmaaAAllddrriicchh,,SStt..LLoouuiiss,,MMOO,,UUSSAA))tthheenn ddrrieieddininaasstteeaammooffnniittrrooggeennvvaappoorr. The black thin line, is the +ve biological sample flow w8hoef n14 the buffer is used for washing This process was repeated 66 times for the 66 measured samples.

Statistical Analysis and Software Packages
Results of Measured Resonating Frequency
Results of Measured Reflection Coefficient Amplitude
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