
A probabilistic framework is presented for evaluation of hurricane wave and surge risk with particular emphasis on real-time automated estimation for hurricanes approaching landfall. This framework has two fundamental components. The first is the development of a surrogate model for the rapid evaluation of hurricane waves, water levels, and run-up based on a small number of parameters describing each hurricane: hurricane landfall location and heading, central pressure, forward speed, and radius of maximum winds. This surrogate model is developed using a response surface methodology fed by information from hundreds of precomputed, high-resolution Simulating Waves Nearshore (SWAN) + Advanced Circulation Model for Oceanic, Coastal and Estuarine Waters (ADCIRC) and One-Dimensional Boussinesq Model (BOUSS-1D) runs. For a specific set of hurricane parameters (i.e., a specific landfalling hurricane), the surrogate model is able to evaluate the maximum wave height, water level, and run-up during the storm at a cost that is more than seven orders of magnitude less than the high-fidelity models and thus meets time constraints imposed by emergency managers and decision makers. The second component of this framework is a description of the uncertainty in the parameters used to characterize the hurricane through appropriate probability models, which then leads to quantification of hurricane risk in terms of a probabilistic integral. This integral is then efficiently computed using the already established surrogate model by analyzing thousands of different scenarios (based on the aforementioned probabilistic description). This allows the rapid computation of, for example, the storm surge that might be exceeded 10% of the time based on hurricane parameters at 48 h from landfall. Finally, by leveraging the computational simplicity and efficiency of the surrogate model, a simple stand-alone PC-based risk-assessment tool is developed that allows nonexpert end users to take advantage of the full potential of the framework. The proposed framework ultimately facilitates the development of a rapid assessment tool for real-time implementation but requires a considerable upfront computational cost to produce high-fidelity model results. As an illustrative example, implementation of hurricane risk estimation for the Island of Oahu in Hawaii is presented; results demonstrate the versatility of the proposed approach for delivering accurate tools for real-time hurricane risk estimation that have the ability to cross over technology adoption barriers.

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