
This paper describes a new method to rapidly obtain dose-response curves for a drug with rewarding properties using the conditioned place preference protocol. In the usual single-dosing procedure, different animals receive single, varying doses. Thus, a large number of animals are required to generate a curve. A new procedure, known as progressive dosing, alternates increasing drug doses with saline. In this way, the same animal can receive multiple tests. The dose-response curves of the rewarding effect of methamphetamine in mice were obtained using both single-dosing and progressive-dosing procedures. Although the progressive-dosing curves were not identical to the single-dosing curves, they showed a similar pattern. The progressive-dosing procedure was replicated with a new set of mice to confirm the reliability of the method and a dose-response curve similar to the previous one was obtained. This new method can reduce the number of animals required and shorten the duration of the experiment.

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