
A method has been developed for the rapid chemical separation and highly reproducible analysis of the rare earth elements (REE) by isotope dilution analysis by means of a multiple collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (MC-ICP-MS). This technique is superior in terms of the analytical reproducibility or rapidity of analysis compared with quadrupole ICP-MS or with thermal ionization mass spectrometric isotope dilution techniques. Samples are digested by standard hydrofluoric–nitric acid–based techniques and spiked with two mixed spikes. The bulk REE are separated from the sample on a cation exchange column, collecting the middle-heavy and light REE as two groups, which provides a middle-heavy REE cut with sufficient separation of the light from the heavier REE to render oxide interferences trivial, and a Ba-free light REE cut. The heavy (Er-Lu), middle (Eu-Gd), and light REE (La-Eu) concentrations are determined by three short (1 to 2 min) analyses with a CETAC Aridus desolvating nebulizer introduction system. Replicate digestions of international rock standards demonstrate that concentrations can be reproduced to <1%, which reflects weighing errors during digestion and aliquotting as inter-REE ratios reproduce to ≤0.2% (2 SD). Eu and Ce anomalies reproduce to <0.15%. In addition to determining the concentrations of polyisotopic REE by isotope dilution analysis, the concentration of monoisotopic Pr can be measured during the light REE isotope dilution run, by reference to Pr/Ce and Pr/Nd ratios measured in a REE standard solution. Pr concentrations determined in this way reproduce to <1%, and Pr/REE ratios reproduce to <0.4%. Ce anomalies calculated with La and Pr also reproduce to <0.15% (2 SD). The precise Ce (and Eu) anomaly measurements should allow greater use of these features in studying the recycling of materials with these anomalies into the mantle, or redox-induced effects on the REE during recycling and dehydration of oceanic lithosphere, partial melting, metamorphism, alteration, or sedimentation processes. Moreover, this technique consumes very small amounts (subnanograms) of the REE and will allow precise REE determinations to be made on much smaller samples than hitherto possible.

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