
A high-velocity Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) associated with the 2002 April 21 X1.5 flare is studied using a unique set of observations from the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE), the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS), and the Large-Angle Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO). The event is first observed as a rapid rise in GOES X-rays, followed by simultaneous conjugate footpoint brightenings connected by an ascending loop or flux-rope feature. While expanding, the appearance of the feature remains remarkably constant as it passes through the TRACE 195 A passband and LASCO fields-of-view, allowing its height-time behavior to be accurately determined. An analytic function, having exponential and linear components, is found to represent the height-time evolution of the CME in the range 1.05-26 R. The CME acceleration rises exponentially to approx. 900 km/sq s within approximately 20-min, peaking at approx.1400 m/sq s when the leading edge is at approx. 1.7 R. The acceleration subsequently falls off as a slowly varying exponential for approx.,90-min. At distances beyond approx. 3.4 R, the height-time profile is approximately linear with a constant velocity of approx. 2400 km/s. These results are briefly discussed in light of recent kinematic models of CMEs.

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