
Two experiments were conducted with Hyline Leghorn hens to study the metabolism and detrimental effects of rapeseed meal (RSM) glucosinolates. Raw Target RSM was force fed to 12 hens which were killed after varying time intervals (15 min., 30 min., 60 min.) and the contents of areas of the digestive tract (crop; proventriculus and gizzard; duodenum and ileum) were analyzed for the presence of hydrolysis products of progoitrin. Nitrile compounds were found to be present in all areas of the digestive tract in much larger relative amounts than was oxazolidinethione. When commercially prepared RSMs of varying glucosinolate content were fed to laying hens at a 50% level of dietary inclusion, high glucosinolate-content RSM depressed egg production (P < 0.05) more than low glucosinolate-content RSM but did not cause a greater frequency of liver hemorrhage. Histological examination of liver tissues from hens suffering liver hemorrhage revealed a severe reticulolysis.

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