
Let q be a prime and \(K={\mathbb Q}(\sqrt{-D})\) be an imaginary quadratic field such that q is inert in K. If \(\mathfrak {q}\) is a prime above q in the Hilbert class field of K, there is a reduction map $$\begin{aligned} r_{\mathfrak q}:\;{\mathcal {E\ell \ell }}({\mathcal {O}}_K) \longrightarrow {\mathcal {E\ell \ell }}^{ss}({\mathbb F}_{q^2}) \end{aligned}$$ from the set of elliptic curves over \(\overline{{\mathbb Q}}\) with complex multiplication by the ring of integers \({\mathcal {O}}_K\) to the set of supersingular elliptic curves over \({\mathbb {F}}_{q^2}.\) We prove a uniform asymptotic formula for the number of CM elliptic curves which reduce to a given supersingular elliptic curve and use this result to deduce that the reduction map is surjective for \(D \gg _{\varepsilon } q^{18+\varepsilon }.\) This can be viewed as an analog of Linnik’s theorem on the least prime in an arithmetic progression. We also use related ideas to prove a uniform asymptotic formula for the average $$\begin{aligned} \sum _{\chi }L(f \times \Theta _\chi ,1/2) \end{aligned}$$ of central values of the Rankin–Selberg L-functions \({L(f \times {\Theta _{\chi}},s)}\) where f is a fixed weight 2, level q arithmetically normalized Hecke cusp form and \(\Theta _\chi \) varies over the weight 1, level D theta series associated to an ideal class group character \(\chi \) of K. We apply this result to study the arithmetic of Abelian varieties, subconvexity, and \(L^4\) norms of autormorphic forms.


  • 1 Introduction and statement of results A problem of great importance in number theory concerns the distribution of primes in primitive residue classes

  • Results of Gross [13], Iwaniec [18], and Duke [7] imply that for fixed q, the points rq(Ell(OK )) become equidistributed among the isomorphism classes Ellss(Fq2 ) with respect to the measure μq as D → ∞. This equidistribution holds in the following strong quantitative form: if q is inert in K, given a curve Ei ∈ Ellss(Fq2 ) one has

  • Michel [30, Theorem 3] proved a “sparse” equidistribution version of (1.3), where GK can be replaced by any subgroup G < GK of index ≤ D1/2115

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Elkies et al [9] proved that the reduction map is surjective (for q inert or ramified) for all sufficiently large D by relating the integers ND,q,Ei to Fourier coefficients of a weight 3/2 theta series of level 4q studied by Gross [13] and employing results of Iwaniec [18] and Duke [7] to give a lower bound for these coefficients. For fixed q, they give an asymptotic formula for the average in Theorem 1.4 as D → ∞ using the equidistribution of Gross points They discuss the possibility of a more refined analysis which would yield some range of uniformity in q (see [32, Remark 3.1]).

There is a height pairing
Proof We begin by showing
Towards this end we write
We will show
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