
Let $M$ be a random $m \times n$ matrix with binary entries and i.i.d. rows. The weight (i.e., number of ones) of a row has a specified probability distribution, with the row chosen uniformly at random given its weight. Let $\mathcal{N}(n,m)$ denote the number of left null vectors in $\{0,1\}^m$ for $M$ (including the zero vector), where addition is mod 2. We take $n, m \to \infty$, with $m/n \to \alpha > 0$, while the weight distribution converges weakly to that of a random variable $W$ on $\{3, 4, 5, \ldots\}$. Identifying $M$ with a hypergraph on $n$ vertices, we define the 2-core of $M$ as the terminal state of an iterative algorithm that deletes every row incident to a column of degree 1.<br /><br />We identify two thresholds $\alpha^*$ and $\underline{\alpha\mkern-4mu}\mkern4mu$, and describe them analytically in terms of the distribution of $W$. Threshold $\alpha^*$ marks the infimum of values of $\alpha$ at which $n^{-1} \log{\mathbb{E}[\mathcal{N} (n,m)}]$ converges to a positive limit, while $\underline{\alpha\mkern-4mu}\mkern4mu$ marks the infimum of values of $\alpha$ at which there is a 2-core of non-negligible size compared to $n$ having more rows than non-empty columns. We have $1/2 \leq \alpha^* \leq \underline{\alpha\mkern-4mu}\mkern4mu \leq 1$, and typically these inequalities are strict; for example when $W = 3$ almost surely, $\alpha^* \approx 0.8895$ and $\underline{\alpha\mkern-4mu}\mkern4mu \approx 0.9179$. The threshold of values of $\alpha$ for which $\mathcal{N}(n,m) \geq 2$ in probability lies in $[\alpha^*,\underline{\alpha\mkern-4mu}\mkern4mu]$ and is conjectured to equal $\underline{\alpha\mkern-4mu}\mkern4mu$. The random row-weight setting gives rise to interesting new phenomena not present in the case of non-random $W$ that has been the focus of previous work.


  • Suppose that M := M (n, m) is an m × n matrix with entries in {0, 1}, each of whose rows contains at least one 1, for which we seek a left null vector over GF[2], i.e. a row vector a ∈ {0, 1}m such that aM ≡ 0, where here and elsewhere 0 is the all-0 vector

  • We study asymptotics of the expected size E[N (n, m)] and probability P[N (n, m) > 1] of non-triviality of the left null space of M (n, m), in terms of the asymptotic aspect ratio α

  • We study the rate of exponential decay of the probability that 1 := (1, 1, . . . , 1) is a null vector

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Suppose that M := M (n, m) is an m × n matrix with entries in {0, 1}, each of whose rows contains at least one 1, for which we seek a left null vector over GF[2], i.e. a row vector a ∈ {0, 1}m such that aM ≡ 0 (mod 2), where here and elsewhere 0 is the all-0 vector. The general case, allowing other weight distributions, corresponds to a generalization of the Ehrenfest model whereby multiple ‘diffusions’ are allowed, i.e. at each step several particles may change colour at once; cf [20, Chapter 10]. This can be interpreted in terms of a walk on a version of the hypercube with additional edges. Problems may be formulated in terms of random hypergraphs: each row represents a hyperedge, and each column represents a vertex (see Section 2.3 below).

Results and discussion
Even occupancy in random allocations
Thresholds in the fixed-weight case
Previous results on threshold values
Between the two thresholds
Overview and terminology
Exact formulae for the allocation problem
Approximation by the binomial model
The expected number of null vectors
Analytic preliminaries
Null vectors consisting of few rows
Hypercycles and 2-cores
The 2-core in uniform random hypergraphs
Application to the random matrix model
A Threshold numerics and asymptotics
B Technical appendix
Full Text
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