
My objective is to better understand the influences of seasonality and frugivory on ranging patterns for 3 guenon species of the Tai Forest: Cercopithecus campbelli, C. petaurista, and C. diana). Over a 17-mo period, I gathered data on the daily path length, home range size, and home range use for 2 habituated groups of each species. The ranging patterns of the 3 species were very similar to each other and across seasons. Further, the ranging patterns were not closely related to fruit abundance or consumption. Each species had a long-ranging strategy with long daily ranges relative to home range size and little repeated use of areas on successive days, which may relate to territory and boundary patrols, especially for Cercopithecus diana. I compare them with other guenon communities and demonstrate that the ranging patterns of the 3 species are more similar than the ranging patterns of sympatric guenons in other communities. I discuss the results in relation to the association of Cercopithecus campbelli and C. petaurista with C. diana for antipredator benefits.

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