
1–3 keV electron ranges and stopping power in the solid hydrogens have been investigated by the Monte Carlo simulation method on the basis of experimental thin film measurements. In the simulation, elastic scattering cross sections are calculated exactly using the single-atom crystalline potentials. Inelastic processes for gold are treated by modifying Gryziński's semiempirical expression for each core and valence electron excitation. For H 2 the ionization cross section from Green and Sawada is applied together with the gas phase stopping power from Parks et al. Simulations of electron penetration in a layer of solid hydrogen on a gold substrate with normal incidence and reflection from bulk hydrogen with different angles of incidence are fitted to experimental measurements by adjusting the stopping power of electrons in solid hydrogen. It is found to be 0.75 times the stopping power for the gas phase. The mean path length and mean penetration depth of electrons in solid hydrogen are determined from the simulations with this modified stopping power. Also the full penetration depth distributions are presented as well as their Gaussian parametrizations. The previously determined measured projected range is almost equal to the calculated mean path length.

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