
Range trend is a qualitative method of determining range health. What is rangeland trendl? It is defined as the direction of change in a rangeland compared with its historic potential. Instead of evaluating the quantity, you are evaluating the quality of the rangeland by using proven methods so that once the trend is determined, action can be taken to improve the rangeland (Photo 1). Range trend is usefiil only if it is used as a long-term, moment-in-time monitoring technique. Without repetition it is not reliable; if only 1 measurement is taken, it is not a trend. We estimate or measure trend because we want to monitor rangeland health: it gives valuable information how current or past management practices are affecting the plant community; it gives you an idea of whether or not you are meeting your goals; and it can be a warning sign if serious, negative changes are occurring.' For a farmer or rancher, the benefits of monitoring the trend of the land resources are great. The rancher who monitors the trend will know on average what species he or she has and in what quantity. Also, knowing what improvements need to be made and where to make them is vital to a successful landowner. This approach was developed as a tool for conducting a moment-in-time, qualitative assessment of rangeland condition and as a communication and training tool for helping land managers and other interested people to better understand rangeland ecological processes and their relationship to indicators. Every land manager must consider ranch-specific goals. What are the overall objectives of the ranch operation? Is there a management plan or a set of goals? Has a problem been identified the ranch? Having a goal or a common agreement what needs to be accomplished is a crucial step to successful range management. Goals should be realistic and achievable, and once they are developed, range trend can be used to monitor and make sure you are meeting those goals.2

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