
Results are reported of radio tracking five aardvark in the False Upper Karoo, South Africa. Small samples size precluded statistical comparison of home range size between sexes. Using three methods to determine home range size, namely restricted polygon, minimum convex polygon excluding excursions and MCP including excursions the mean estimates of home range size were 1·8, 2·4 and 3·5 km2 respectively. These differences were not statistically significant. There was a small degree of overlap in home ranges between individuals and certain areas were used more frequently than others. Aardvark are nocturnal and spent less time outside their burrows during the cold, dry months and mean foraging speeds were lower in winter. They foraged over minimum and maximum distance of 0·02 and 6·75 km h−1 respectively and mean distance covered was 2·21 km per night.

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