
We employed satellite-telemetry data to examine seasonal movement rates, annual- and seasonal-range sizes, and season-to-season range fidelity of female woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) from five populations in the boreal forest of Saskatchewan. The populations studied are limited by predation, and we investigated whether female caribou exhibited movement and range use consistent with predator avoidance. Additionally, we document an animal-centred technique for assessing site fidelity on the basis of individual range use throughout a year. Females accompanied by calves had lower movement rates and smaller seasonal ranges than females without calves. Movement rates among female caribou tended to decline between the rut and the postcalving and summer seasons. Trends indicated that seasonal ranges were larger prior to calving than during the postcalving and summer seasons. We interpreted the range sizes and movement rates observed as being consistent with predator avoidance in nonmigratory caribou populations. Despite these results and high rates of calf mortality in the area, we did not find interannual fidelity to calving sites.

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