
Order-revealing encryption (ORE) is a kind of encryption designed to support searches on ciphertexts. ORE enables efficient range query on ciphertexts, and it has been used in systems aimed at practical use. However, ORE has weaker security than conventional cryptography. To assess the security of ORE, researchers proposed concepts such as indistinguishability and one-wayness. Our work discusses the security of ORE when multiple columns are encrypted with ORE. This paper addresses two issues. First, we show an attacker can use quantile attack to distinguish two plaintext distributions with background information. Simulations show the attack succeed with high probability. Second, we propose a scheme to resist the quantile attack by adding dummy data. The proposed scheme calculates the number and position of dummy data based on the plaintext distribution and expected security level. We conduct experiments on a real dataset to show the performance of proposed scheme.

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