
(NOTE: Each chapter concludes with Range Management Principles and Literature Cited.) 1. Rangeland and Man. Rangeland Defined. Range Management Defined. Relationship of Range Management to Other Disciplines. The Importance of Rangelands to Humans. Desertification. Changes in the Amount of Rangeland. 2. Range Management History. The Origin of Range Science. Chronological History of Livestock Grazing. Government Land Policies. Development of Range Management in Other Countries. 3. Rangeland Physical Characteristics. Precipitation. Wind. Temperature. Humidity. Climate Types. Topography. Soils. Influence of Rangeland Physical Characteristics on Range Animals. 4. Description of Rangeland Types. Types of Rangeland. Rangelands of the United States. 5. Range Plant Physiology. Basic Concepts. Carbohydrate Reserves. Water Relations. Plant Morphology. Reproduction. Resistance to Grazing. Grazing Optimization Theories. 6. Range Ecology. Ecology Defined. Rangeland Ecosystem Components and Functions. Importance of Rangeland Ecosystem Services. Succession and Climax. Drought. Competition. Plant Succession and Range Management: A Conclusion. 7. Range Inventory and Monitoring. Vegetational Mapping. Determination of Vegetational Attributes. Grazing Surveys. Determining Grazing Intensity. Range Condition. Determining Trend. 8. Considerations Concerning Stocking Rate. Importance of Correct Stocking Rate. Influence of Stocking Rate on Forage Production. Flexible Versus Fixed Stocking Rates. Grazing Intensity Considerations. Setting the Stocking Rate. Adjustment for Distance from Water. Key-plant and Key-Area Principles. Forage Allocation to More Than One Animal Species. Conclusion. 9. Selection of Grazing Methods. Definition of Grazing System Terms. Considerations in Grazing System Selection. Grazing Systems for Riparian Zones. Grazing Systems for Developing Countries. Economic Advantages of Specialized Grazing Systems. 10. Methods of Improving Livestock Distribution. Factors Causing Poor Distribution. Better Livestock Distribution Methods. 11. Range Animal Nutrition. Nutritional Components of Grazing Animal Foods. Methods for Determining the Nutritional Value of Grazing Animal Diets. Diet and Nutritional Quality of Livestock on Different Ranges. Forage Intake of Grazing Animals. Comparative Nutritive Value of Plant Parts. Seasonal Effects on Forage Nutritional Quality. Grazing Intensity Effects on Forage Nutritional Quality. Comparative Nutritive Value of Range Forages. Comparative Nutrition of Grazing Animals. How Grazing Animals Cope with Periods of Low Forage Quality. Energy Expenditure by Grazing Animals. Supplementing Range Livestock. Range Livestock Nutritional Guidelines. 12. Range Management for Multiple Use. Herbage Residue and Multiple-Use Concepts. Rangeland Hydrology. Grazing Impacts on Watersheds. Manipulation of Water Yield. Timber Production and Grazing. Management Systems for Trees, Livestock, and Wildlife. Recreational Use of Rangelands. 13. Range Livestock Production. Economics of Range Livestock Production. Management of Reproductive Efficiency. Animal Selection. Common-Use Grazing. Livestock Management During Drought. Poisonous Plant Problems. 14. Range Wildlife Management. Trends in Rangeland Wildlife Populations. Basic Concepts Concerning Wildlife Habitat. Grazing Effects on Rangeland Wildlife. Grazing Methods for Wildlife Enhancement. Provision of Forage to Big Game. Impacts of Brush Control on Wildlife. Game Ranching. Wild Horses and Burros. Small Mammals. Insects. Predators. Threatened and Endangered Wildlife. 15. Manipulation of Range Vegetation. Rangeland Problems in the Western United States. Control of Unwanted Plants. Economic Considerations. Considerations in Seeding. Fertilization. Forage Conservation. 16. Range Management in Developing Countries. Challenges to African Pastoralism. Problems Relating to Livestock Numbers. Land Tenure and Communal Grazing. Problems Relating to Dry-Season Grazing. Drought. Development of Livestock Water. Range Burning. Range Problems in Latin America. Agricultural Versus Industrial Development. 17. Planning, Technology, and the Future. Range Management Planning. Technology and Computers. Systems Analysis. Virtual Reality. Economic Analysis. Computers and the Future. Index.

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