
The known range of Buxbaumia minakatae Okam. is extended from the state of New York to the Southern Appalachian Mountains in western North Carolina. In a recent article by Iwatsuki and Sharp (1967), the known range of the rare Buxbaumia minakatae Okam. was given as Japan and Siberia in Asia and Cape Breton Island, New York, and Michigan in northeastern North America. In 1965 I collected a specimen (Hicks 1062) about 16 miles southeast of Boone in Watauga County in the Blue Ridge section of western North Carolina. It was growing on a rotting log at an elevation of 4,000 feet. This collection extends the range of the species well into the southern Appalachian Mountains. The plants agree with the description of the species as given by Iwatsuki and Sharp, having a spore size of 10-124, capsule length of 4.3 mm (average of 25 capsules), and a ratio of 3.6 in length to width of the capsule. The collection has been divided and material deposited in the herbaria of the University of Tennessee, Duke University, and the author. LITERATURE CITED IWATSUKI, Z. & A. J. SHARP. 1967. The bryogeographical relationships between Eastern Asia and North America, I. Jour. Hattori Bot. Lab. No. 30: 152-170. 1 Contribution from the Botanical Laboratory, University of Tenessee, New Series No. 318. I thank Dr. A. J. Sharp for identifying the material. 2Department of Botany, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37916. Fissidens asplenioides on the Gulf Coastal Plain WILLIAM D. REESE AND ANDREW W. WESTLING1 Abstract. Fissidens asplenioides Hedw. is reported from a second station in Mississippi and from adiacent Louisiana, over 300 miles from the nearest previously known locality. The new stations are well within the Gulf coastal plain. Fissidens asplenioides Hedw. was reported as new to the United States by Crum and Anderson (1965) and Wilkes (1965) upon specimens from Mississippi, North Carolina, and South Carolina. The Mississippi specimens were all from Tishomingo 1 Department of Biology, University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana 70501. Fissidens asplenioides Hedw. is reported from a second station in Mississippi and from adiacent Louisiana, over 300 miles from the nearest previously known locality. The new stations are well within the Gulf coastal plain. Fissidens asplenioides Hedw. was reported as new to the United States by Crum and Anderson (1965) and Wilkes (1965) upon specimens from Mississippi, North Carolina, and South Carolina. The Mississippi specimens were all from Tishomingo 1 Department of Biology, University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana 70501. This content downloaded from on Wed, 22 Jun 2016 05:00:07 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms

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