
Abstract Non-indigenous seaweed species have been introduced to the coasts of Brittany, France for decades, with an increasing arrival rate since the 1970s due to both the introduction of the Pacific oyster and increased maritime traffic. In this study, seven species of red macroalgae originating from the Pacific Ocean were found in new locations around the coasts of Brittany between 2018 and 2022. The seaweed species belong to four different orders: Ceramiales (Antithamnion hubbsii, Polysiphonia morrowii, and Symphyocladiella dendroidea), Halymeniales (including Pachymeniopsis lanceolata and Polyopes lancifolius), Rhodymeniales (Botryocladia wrightii), and Gigartinales (Solieria sp.). The dispersal mode and putative invasive potential of each species were examined, and the species were described in terms of their macroscopic and microscopic appearance and habitat. These finds result from a combination of citizen science and long-term monitoring. Used together, these two approaches can aid in the detection of these species on other European coasts and in understanding their dispersion.

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