
Target range estimation is traditionally based on radar and active sonar systems in modern combat systems. However, jamming signals tremendously degrade the performance of such active sensor devices. We introduce a simple target range estimation method and the fundamental limits of the proposed method based on the atmosphere propagation model. Since passive infrared (IR) sensors measure IR signals radiating from objects in different wavelengths, this method has robustness against electromagnetic jamming. The measured target radiance of each wavelength at the IR sensor depends on the emissive properties of target material and various attenuation factors (i.e., the distance between sensor and target and atmosphere environment parameters). MODTRAN is a tool that models atmospheric propagation of electromagnetic radiation. Based on the results from MODTRAN and atmosphere propagation-based modeling, the target range can be estimated. To analyze the proposed method’s performance statistically, we use maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) and evaluate the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) via the probability density function of measured radiance. We also compare CRLB and the variance of MLE using Monte-Carlo simulation.

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